International Journal of Advanced Applied Physics Research


About the Journal


Abbreviated key title: Int. J. Adv. App. Phy. Res.
ISSN (online): 2408-977X

Published by: Cosmos Scholars Publishing House
Periodicity: 2 Issues Per Year (June and December)

Indexed and Abstracted
Google Scholar, OA-LibraryOpen J-Gate, WorldCate, OCLC, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), SHERPA/Romeo
Aim and Scope

International Journal of Advanced Applied Physics Research is a refereed and highly professional journal that publishes premium theoretical and pragmatic papers in the field of Applied Physics. Applied Physicist use physics or conducting physics research with aim of developing new technologies or solving an engineering problem.

The journal publishes articles that emphasize understanding of the physics underlying modern technology in mode of original research articles, reviews, conference papers and short notes etc.

Areas of interest are ( but not limited to)

  • Semiconductor devices
  • Particle accelerators
  • Biophysics and biosensors
  • Nanoscience and technology
  • Physics of energy transfer, conversion and storage
  • Plasma physics
  • Spintronics, magnetism and superconductivity
  • Instrumentation and metrology
  • Physics and Mechanics of Fluids, Microfluidics
  • Physics of organic materials and devices


The entire editorial process of Cosmos Scholars Publishing House is ve
Dr. Chandra Mohan
We are very grateful to the editorial body, the entire process was fas
Dr. Yaneth Aguilar Díaz