International Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Nutritional Sciences

Abbreviated key title: Int. J. Pharms. & Nutrl. Sci.
ISSN (online):
Published by: Cosmos Scholars Publishing House
Periodicity: 2 Issues Per Year (June and December)
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
International Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Nutritional Sciences is an international, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles covering all areas of pharmaceuticals and nutritional sciences. The journal is designed to provide a platform for advancement and dissemination of original and high quality information in the fields of pharmaceuticals and nutritional science.
IJPNS provides a leading vehicle for communication between research scientists, academicians, and students concerned any branch of pharmaceuticals & nutritional sciences and their applications in medical, business, industry and other subjects.
The Journal accepts original research articles, reviews, mini reviews, case reports and rapid communication covering all aspects of nutritional sciences.
Areas of interest are ( but not limited to)