International Journal of Nuclear Medicine Research


About the Journal

Co-Editor-in-Chief: Ajit Shinto View Profile

Abbreviated key title: Int. J. Nucl. Medi. Res.
ISSN (online): 2408-9788

Published by: Cosmos Scholars Publishing House
Periodicity: 2 Issues Per Year (March and September)

Indexed and Abstracted
Google Scholar, OA-LibraryOpen J-Gate, WorldCate, OCLC, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), SHERPA/Romeo
Aim and Scope

International Journal of Nuclear Medicine Research provides an authoritative setting for the publication of high quality internationally-relevant research with respect to the field of Nuclear Medicine.
Nuclear Medicine is crucial to early diagnosis and treatment of diseases that threaten human lives like coronary artery disease, brain illness and tumors etc. Nuclear medicine imaging studies are generally more organ- or tissue-specific (e.g.: lungs scan, heart scan, bone scan, brain scan, etc.) than those in conventional radiology imaging, which focus on a particular section of the body (e.g.: chest X-ray, abdomen/pelvis CT scan, head CT scan, etc.).

The journal aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, expert opinions and conference papers.

Our topics of interest are (but not limited to)

  • Diagnostic medical imaging
  • Hybrid scanning techniques
  • Practical concerns in nuclear imaging
  • Analysis
  • Interventional nuclear medicine
  • Nuclear medicine therapies
  • Radiation dose


The entire editorial process of Cosmos Scholars Publishing House is ve
Dr. Chandra Mohan
We are very grateful to the editorial body, the entire process was fas
Dr. Yaneth Aguilar Díaz