International Journal of Statistics in Medical and Biological Research

Abbreviated key title: Int. J. Stats. Med. & Bio. Res.
ISSN (online):
Published by: Cosmos Scholars Publishing House
Periodicity: 2 Issues Per Year (February and August)
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International Journal of Statistics in Medical and Biological Research (IJSMBR) is devoted exclusively to medical and biological statistics and aims to keep professionals abreast of the many powerful statistical techniques now available to the medical and biological field of sciences. This unique journal also seeks to publish new bio-statistical models and methods, statistical theories, important practical problems arising from several areas of medical and biological research.
IJSMBR is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal. It provides a leading vehicle for communication between practitioners, researchers, academicians, students and policy makers concerned with the application of statistics and intended to provide incorporated approaches to the solutions of medical and biological problems through statistical methodologies.
We publish original research articles, review articles, short communications, conference papers, special issues and expert opinions etc.
Areas of interest are ( but not limited to)