International Journal of Advanced Applied Physics Research (Volume 2 Issue 2) |
Analytical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Hg1-xCdxTe Based N+n0p+ Photodetector for MWIR Free Space Optical Communication |
Pages 20-27
A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti
DOI: Published: 01 December 2015 |
Abstract |
This paper reports an analytical modeling and numerical simulation of N+-Hg0.59 Cd0.41Te /n0 Hg0.65 Cd0.35Te /p+-Hg0.65 Cd0.35 N+n0p+ photodetector for operation in medium wavelength infrared region (MWIR) for free space optical communication. The photodetector has been studied in respect of quantum efficiency, responsivity and detectivity by analytical method using closed form equations. Also numerical simulation has been performed using device simulation software ATLASTM for obtaining the energy band diagram, electric field profile, doping profile, quantum efficiency, responsivity and detectivity. The photodetector exhibits a high value of quantum efficiency~93%, responsivity~2.86A/W and detectivity~1.33×1011 mHz1/2W-1 at wavelength of operation 3.8 µm. |
Keywords |
Medium wave length infrared region (MWIR), Photodetector, Numerical simulation, Spectral response, Quantum efficiency, Responsivity and Detectivity. |