Journal of Clinical Medicine Research Updates (Volume 2) |
A Left Temporal Arachnoid Cyst in a Patient with Early Onset Schizophrenia |
Pages 20-22
Yakup Albayrak, Ece Altındağ, Murat Beyazyüz, Saliha Baykal, Mesut Emre Yaman and Murat Kuloglu
Published: 21 August 2015 |
Abstract |
Arachnoid cysts are mostly asymptomatic and diagnosed incidentally. In the literature, some case studies report a probable etiological association between arachnoid cysts and psychiatric disorders. We report an early onset schizophrenia case who had a left temporal arachnoid cyst and who had an inadequate response to antipsychotic treatment. We discuss the potential association between arachnoid cysts and psychiatric disorders in the light of the literature.
Keywords |
Arachnoid, cyst, Antipsychotic, Cognitive functions, Schizophrenia. |