Journal of Advances in Biomedical Engineering and Technology  (Volume 3 Issue 2)
 Developing a Human Balance Test System (DETES) in Order to Investigate Control Mechanisms of Human Erect Posture biomedical
Pages 38-45

S. Gürses, M.E. Akçay, M.C. Gökgöz, B.C. Cengiz, İ. Bostan, A. Çınar, B. Satar, Ş. Demirkaya and H. Bilgiç


Published: 03 November 2016

An originally designed 3-dof (2-dof perturbation platform and 1-dof cabin) human balance testing system (DETES) has been developed for delivering mechanical and perceptual stimuli in a controlled embedding environment in order to investigate sensory-motor control of human erect posture at physiological and/or pathological conditions. The human balance (especially studying vestibular system involved mechanisms) demonstrating complex (nonlinear) dynamical behavior in the context of postural adjustments having ecological roots/meanings (information) is to be tested (by means of quiet and perturbed stance) and analyzed for supporting (differential) diagnosis, monitoring/following the progress of the disease, and creating the new adaptive motor learning protocols for rehabilitation.
Human balance testing environment, Mechanical and perceptual stimuli, Complex (ecological) postural behavior, Nonlinear analysis, Information capacity.

