Model of Collaboration in Police Services in Land Conflict Resolution


  • I Made Agus Prasatya Faculty of administrative science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.
  • Bambang Supriyono Faculty of administrative science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.
  • Hermawa . Faculty of administrative science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.
  • Romy Hermawan Faculty of administrative science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.



Police Services, Land Conflict Resolution, Collaborative Governance


This study aims to describe the collaboration of land conflict services in the jurisdiction of the Madiun Resort Police (Polres). Through a collaborative governance approach, the Madiun Police Department has innovated in the actualization of excellent services through police synergy in the field of security and community order services for collaborative resolutive handling of land conflicts. This is based on the weakness of land conflict services in Madiun Regency, which is due to complex characteristics and weak capacity of stakeholder networks. Based on the empirically, normative and theoretical research framework, the collaboration of police services in handling conflicts in Madiun Regency which is located in the Madiun Resort Police (Polres), and focuses on (1) the Service Collaboration Process which includes the System Context as an initial condition for the Service Collaboration Process in Land Conflict Resolution; Involvement of Various Agencies (Principle Enggagement) as a Formal Agreement on the Service Collaboration Process in Land Conflict Resolution; Shared Motivation as an awareness of the values and collective spririt of the Service Collaboration Process in Land Conflict Resolution; Capacity for Joint Action as the utilization of collaboration actors' resources for the Service Collaboration Process in Land Conflict Resolution; and (2) Strengthening Service Collaboration Capacity which includes Internal Capacity Frameworks; and External Capacity Frameworks; so that the two focuses are able to describe the Land Conflict Resolution Service Collaboration Model which includes: depiction of the Current Model (Existing Model) Collaboration of Land Conflict Resolution Services; and the depiction of the Recommended Model of Conflict Resolution Service Collaboration. This research method consists of the use of a qualitative research approach design; with three (3) Research Focuses with eight (8) Research Subfocuses. Meanwhile, data analysis is used Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA). Finally, the collaboration of Madiun Police services has proven to improve the quality of cooperation and synergy between the National Police and Ministries/Institutions and Local Governments and local wisdom. The novelty of this research is: 1) Reconstruction of the collaboration theory from Emerson & Nabatchi, because collaboration must be oriented towards solving problems preventively and predictively. 2) Reconstruction of the capacity strengthening theory of Grindle & Hillderbrand, that through capacity both external and internal it will make land conflict resolution predictive and preventive policing.


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Author Biographies

I Made Agus Prasatya , Faculty of administrative science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.



Bambang Supriyono , Faculty of administrative science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.



Hermawa ., Faculty of administrative science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.



Romy Hermawan, Faculty of administrative science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.






How to Cite

I. M. A. . Prasatya, B. . Supriyono, H. ., and R. . Hermawan, “Model of Collaboration in Police Services in Land Conflict Resolution”, ijmst, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1372-1381, Jun. 2023.