The Importance of Movement, Solitons and Coherent Light in the Development of Mental Processes


  • Adam Adamski University of Silesia in Katowice Faculty of Ethnology and Science Educational in Cieszyn


Electrostasis, Movement, Coherent light, Bioplasma, Consciousness


This paper proposes a new theory of consciousness. The author postulates that consciousness is a congenital act which is associated with not only with Newtonian physics but also with nonlocal quantum processes. Above all, consciousness follows the laws of quantum mechanics. It is a result of emission of coherent light in DNA and of the interaction of such emission with solitons in brain bioplasma, synergistically co-operating with neuron bio-computer simulation. Bose-Einstein condensate is a soliton generator in the human biological system. Once created, solitons are pumped to bioplasma and, together with laser light, form the structure and function of consciousness. What serves as the link between solitons and coherent laser light and bioplasma is electrostasis. Cell membranes and proteins are an "electrostasis screen" and a memory matrix for processes inside the cell, whereas the skin of the body is an electrostasis screen for the biological system.

The transformation of photons into phonons and vice versa, and of photons into solitons in melanin constitutes the main bio-computer language. After it is processed, perceptual information is transmitted to bioplasma and it is in bioplasma that it is evaluated and compared with the bioplasma master pattern. Disturbed synchronization in these processes, impaired transformation or its absence, constitute subconscious or unconscious states or mental dysfunctions. Human consciousness can be considered in terms of quantum-information-cybernetic processes, and the same is true of artificial consciousness.





