Int. J. of Pharmaceuticals and Nutritional Sciences 2020-02-05T13:08:33+00:00 Support Manager Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Nutritional Sciences</strong> is an international, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles covering all areas of pharmaceuticals and nutritional sciences. The journal is designed to provide a platform for advancement and dissemination of original and high quality information in the fields of pharmaceuticals and nutritional science.</p><strong>IJPNS </strong>provides a leading vehicle for communication between research scientists, academicians, and students concerned any branch of pharmaceuticals &amp; nutritional sciences and their applications in medical, business, industry and other subjects. <i>Sanguinaria Canadensis</i>: Sanguinarine Containing Potent Medicinal Roots and Rhizomes of Broad Antimicrobial and Anti- Inflammatory Activities 2019-10-15T15:52:00+00:00 Amtul Sami Mahwish Ahmed Karim <p class="04-abstract"><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>Sanguinaria canadensis, </em>is a western medicinal roots and rhizomes. The plant is widely distributed in Canada and United states. Sanguinarine, a quartenary ammonium major alkaloid of <em>Sanguinaria</em>, has broad antimicrobial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Its<em> </em>dried roots and rhizomes are popular for its emetic and expectorant properties and remarkably used as antimicrobial agent. Sanguinarine is widely used commercially in toothpastes and mouthwashes as an antiplaque agent. Crude methanolic extract of red root showed antithrombin, antimicrobial and antimycobacterial activities and its potent activity against <em>Mycobacterium aurum</em>, with MIC<em> </em>values of 62.5 µg/mL proved it a valuable anti-tubercular drug. Chelerythrine chloride was the most active among all with IC<sub>50 </sub>value of 14.3 µg/mL against <em>M. bovis </em>BCG. Inhibition of Collagenase and bone resorption has been documented, <em>invitro.</em><em> Sanguinaria canadensis </em>exract and <em>Sanguinaria</em> alkaloids were also tested against <em>H. pylori </em>with significant activity. Its burning capability is used in Homeopathic system of medicine and is indicated there in the ailments of respiratory tract. Sanguinarine has a use in reducing dental plaque and gingivitis and this use is accepted by FDA. In low doses the use of these alkaloids is safe and therapeutic but they are toxic at higher doses.</p> 2019-07-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Alum: Role in Dentistry as a Potent Anti-Plaque and Anti-Caries Agent 2020-02-05T13:08:33+00:00 Karim Ahmed Mahwish Khan Farhanullah Muhammad <p class="04-abstract">Alum is a cheaper chemical easily available near your home everywhere in the world. It is an ionic compound that is a salt and is a crystalline chemical that has a chemical formula Al . 2 H2 O4 S . 12 H2 O . K. Aluminum has a wide use in the field of dentistry. Its use ranged from its clinical efficay to its pharmaceutical use in the preparation of dental materials and appliances. Pakistan is blessed with the best herbal remedies and alternative practitioners. In <em>Hikmat</em> system of medicine, widely practiced in Pakistan, the alum is used in making <em>manjans</em> (tooth powder)<em>, surmeys</em> (eye preparations) and for treating leucorrhea. Alum has been used as ananticaries agent in <em>Hikmat </em>Like wise, other Aluminum salts having Aluminum ion (Al<sup>3+</sup>) have variety of uses in medical sciences. Aluminum oxide is used as acne face wash as abrasive.<strong></strong></p> 2019-12-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)