Analysis Of the Costs of Preventing Work Accidents in The Implementation of The Occupational Health and Safety Management System in The Palopo City Arts and Sports Building Construction Project


  • Patricia Ekadamiyanti Sumule Master of Occupational Safety Health, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin university
  • M. Furqaan Naiem Master of Occupational Safety Health, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin university
  • Atjo Wahyu Master of Occupational Safety Health, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin university
  • Masyitha Muis Master of Occupational Safety Health, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin university
  • Lalu Muhammad Saleh Master of Occupational Safety Health, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin university
  • Hasnawati Amqam Master of Occupational Safety Health, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin university



Work accidents, Costs, Benefits, Prevention, SMK3


The construction industry is characterized by many small companies working with limited resources and substandard safety management systems. The aim of this studyto analyze the costs of preventing work accidents in implementing the work health and safety management system in the arts and sports building construction project in Palopo City. This research uses the methodmixed qualitative and quantitative research with descriptive analysis research design. The selected samples in this research were project contractors, K3 experts and several workers who almost had work accidents. ResultsThe costs incurred by the company do not meet the requirements of the PUPR ministerial regulations in Circular Letter Number 11/SE/M/2019. Based on the analysis of tangible benefits, the total cost of treatment and the total cost of project delays is IDR 317,859,200. And based on the BCR analysis the results obtained are B/C ? 1 for the benefits realized.


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How to Cite

P. E. . Sumule, M. F. . Naiem, A. . Wahyu, M. . Muis, L. M. . Saleh, and H. . Amqam, “Analysis Of the Costs of Preventing Work Accidents in The Implementation of The Occupational Health and Safety Management System in The Palopo City Arts and Sports Building Construction Project ”, ijmst, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 890-895, Nov. 2024.