Solutions For Applying Knowledge Transfer for E-Commerce Enterprises in Vietnam


  • Nguyen Minh Duc Faculty of Economic Information System and E-commerce, Thuongmai University
  • Tran Hoai Nam Faculty of Economic Information System and E-commerce, Thuongmai University



Knowledge, Knowledge Transfer, Enterprise, E-Commerce, Vietnam


Knowledge transfer is the process of transferring knowledge from one source to another and using that knowledge effectively. Therefore, knowledge as an important asset, plays a huge role in the success of businesses in the world, especially in the current era of the fourth industrial revolution. In Vietnam, some large enterprises such as Viettel and FPT have started to pay attention to knowledge transfer in enterprises [5]. However, most businesses are still not really interested in this activity. Through this article, the authors wish to contribute some solutions to enhance knowledge transfer activities for businesses in the field of e-commerce in Vietnam.


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How to Cite

N. M. . Duc and T. H. . Nam, “Solutions For Applying Knowledge Transfer for E-Commerce Enterprises in Vietnam”, ijmst, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 569-576, May 2024.