How Artificial Intelligence Affects Various Aspects of Recruitment Processes: The Case of Tunisian Banks


  • Meriam Amamou University of Jeddah, College of Business, Department of Human Resources Management, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , University of Sousse, High Institute of Management, Department of Management, Tunisia



Artificial Intelligence, Recruitment Process, Tunisian Banks.


Significant technological advancements are affecting human resource management, necessitating professional adaptation. Artificial intelligence is one such advancement. Our research aims to determine the use of AI tools in the recruitment process of Tunisian banks. To achieve this, we conducted an exploratory analysis based on case studies to identify the AI tools used and understand recruitment managers' perceptions of their effectiveness and dependability in the context of Tunisian banks. Recruiters report that the job market in the banking sector is slowing. They have noticed a shift in the candidate profile. While AI technologies are becoming more critical, traditional recruitment techniques remain essential in hiring. Recruiters believe AI tools can improve the recruitment process, but only if they are trustworthy and concise.


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How to Cite

M. . Amamou, “How Artificial Intelligence Affects Various Aspects of Recruitment Processes: The Case of Tunisian Banks ”, ijmst, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 3694-3700, Aug. 2023.