Study on Heavy Metal Adsorption Capacity According to Modification Conditions with Ca-Zeolite


  • Jei-Pil Wang College of Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan, Republic of Korea.
  • Tserendejid bayarmaa Department of Engineering, School of Technology in Darkhan, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia



Ca-Zeolite, Heavy Metal Adsorption, lithium Sulfate.


This study investigated the liquid-phase adsorption reactions of heavy metal ions (Pb, Cd, Cr6+, Hg) in wastewater using post-use Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 crystalline glass derived from induction top plate materials in which Li had been removed through a sulfuric acid heat reaction. Two types of zeolites, before and after Ca2+ modification, were used for heavy metal adsorption.  The amount of zeolite used as an adsorbent, adsorption time, concentration of heavy metal elements, and pH were examined for their effects on adsorption capacity. Ca-zeolite showed an average adsorption removal rate improvement of 54.5% for Cr6+ and 79.5% for Hg compared to the original lithium-removed zeolite.  As the amount of zeolite added increased, the heavy metal adsorption removal rate also increased. Adsorption reaction time significantly influenced adsorption characteristics, with a notable improvement in the removal rate of Cd. Additionally, the adsorption removal rate of Cd increased with increasing pH, while that of Pb and Cr6+ decreased. The adsorption characteristics of Hg were not significantly affected by pH.


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How to Cite

J.-P. . Wang and T. . bayarmaa, “Study on Heavy Metal Adsorption Capacity According to Modification Conditions with Ca-Zeolite”, ijmst, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 3160-3172, Aug. 2023.