Bus Ticket Booking System using QR Code with AES Encryption


  • Sheng-Hui Chai Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Multimedia University, Malaysia
  • Lee-Ying Chong Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Multimedia University, Malaysia
  • Siew-Chin Chong Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Multimedia University, Malaysia
  • Pey-Yun Goh Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Multimedia University, Malaysia




Ticket Booking System, QR Code, AES, Encryption, Decryption.


Most Malaysians prefer public transportation as their primary choice for working, returning to their hometown, or traveling from state to state. Due to the rapid development of the Internet, bus tickets can be bought online. However, a passenger who purchased the bus ticket still needs to queue up to get the physical bus ticket, which is time-consuming and increases the risk of virus infection during the pandemic. If the passenger loses his physical tickets, the information may be leaked and exploited. This paper is designed to allow a passenger to book tickets online, where the bus ticket is presented as a QR code. The QR code ticket is auto-generated after the booking is completed. Hence, the passenger can skip queueing at the counter to get the physical ticket, reduce the virus infection and save waiting time. Besides, a cryptographic mechanism is applied in the QR code ticket, which prevents the leakage of QR code information. When the passenger scans the QR code ticket, the system decrypts the protection layer of the QR code ticket and automatically records the passenger's presence in the proposed system.


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How to Cite

S.-H. . Chai, L.-Y. Chong, S.-C. . Chong, and P.-Y. . Goh, “Bus Ticket Booking System using QR Code with AES Encryption”, ijmst, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1854-1871, Sep. 2023.