Enhancing Pupils' Narrative Text Reading Comprehension in Mother Tongue through Directed Reading Thinking Activity


  • Ariel U. Cubillas Caraga State University, Butuan City, Philippines
  • Shaira Mae W. Pardo Department of Education, Butuan City Division, Philippines




Early Grade Reading Assessment Tool, Reading Level, Directed Reading Thinking Activity Strategy, Reading Intervention Program, Comprehension


The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the directed reading thinking activity strategy as a reading intervention strategy to enhance the reading performance of Grade 2 pupils. It utilized the one-group pretest-post-test design. The researcher employed the Early Grade Reading Assessment Tool (Pretest and Post-test) to identify whether the intervention strategy used was effective. There were 55 participants in the study who were given reading intervention. The researchers conducted the reading intervention for the pupils during their MTB-MLE class for three days every week. The results showed that there was an increase in the reading performance of the pupils after conducting the reading intervention. It was also revealed that in the study there were significant differences in the t-test result in all reading components. This further highlighted that the reading intervention which is a directed reading thinking activity strategy was effective. Thus, it is recommended that a reading intervention program that highlights the use of a directed reading thinking activity strategy will be used by teachers to improve the reading performance of their pupils.





How to Cite

A. U. . Cubillas and S. M. W. . Pardo, “Enhancing Pupils’ Narrative Text Reading Comprehension in Mother Tongue through Directed Reading Thinking Activity”, ijmst, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 608-614, Jun. 2023.