Int. J. of Marine and Environmental Sciences 2023-02-26T11:56:47+00:00 Support Manager Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Marine and Environmental Sciences</strong> is an International research journal which provides discovery, advancement and economic management of Aquatic Science. It also aims to promote the theory and practice of environmental science and technology.</p><strong>IJMES </strong>provides a leading vehicle for communication between researchers, academicians, workers and students concerned any branch of marine and environmental sciences and their applications in business, industry and other subjects. Microbiological Evaluation of Surimi Product Processed from Marine Fish of Karachi Coast, Northern Arabian Sea 2023-02-26T11:56:47+00:00 Waseem Ahmed Mangi Samina Parveen Hina Mansoor <p class="04-abstract"><strong>Abstract: </strong><span style="font-weight: normal;">The fish provisions manufacturing industries is demanding to produce diversification of foodstuffs from repercussion or less valuable fishes in response to increasing consumer nutritional requirements on the globe. Surimi is the one of the most important processed seafood having valuable and predominant protein content. Surimi is perishable, and when it rots, it has a strong odor and a bad taste. Degradation is due to enzymatic autolytic spoilage, fat oxidation, microbiological decay, or a mixture of these factors. The most stern seafood security affairs leading to potentially contaminated products relate to microorganisms, especially bacterial pathogens. For this purpose fish surimi product were collected for the microbiological evaluation, total plate count (TPC), total coliform, <em>Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Vibrio, </em></span>and <em>Staphylococcus aureus </em><span style="font-style: normal;">from seabird fisheries Karachi during January to June 2020. The examined samples ranges varied between TPC (1.0 to 7.8) cfu/gm, TC (11 to 460 MPN/gm), FC (11 to 210 MPN/gm), </span><em>E.coli </em><span style="font-style: normal;">(1.9 to 20), and </span><em>Staphylococcus aureus </em><span style="font-style: normal;">(24 to 182 cfu/gm). The mean of TPC (4.6±2.12 cfu/gm), TC (120.2±107.29 MPN/gm), FC (67.03±28.02 MPN/gm), </span><em>E.coli </em><span style="font-style: normal;">(9.1±5.94), </span><em>Staphylococcus aureus </em><span style="font-style: normal;">(85.2±65.43 cfu/gm) were measured in (N=20) fish surimi product sample. </span><em>Salmonella sp. </em><span style="font-style: normal;">and </span><em>Vibrio sp. </em><span style="font-style: normal;">were absent in all examined samples. </span></p> 2023-02-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023