Role of Hysteroscopy in Infertility – A Retrospective Study


  • Neema Acharya DATTA Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, India
  • Amruta Gadge DATTA Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, India


Hysteroscopy, Infertility, Submucous fibroid, Endometrial polyp


Aim: The aim of this study is to assess the results of hysteroscopy done in cases of infertility.

Objective: To determine the incidences of abnormal findings of hysteroscopy in evaluation of infertility.

Material and Methods: This retrospective observational study was carried out at department of Gynaecology AVBRH, sawangi, over a period of six months from October 2016 to March 2017. After detailed clinical evaluation, all patients of infertility and subinfertility, irrespective of their obstetric history, coming to AVBRH, sawangi were informed regarding the procedure and written informed consent was taken. Hysteroscopy was performed in operation theatre by using KARL STORZZ hysteroscope. It is a rigid continuous flow panoramic hysteroscope 25 cm in length, 5 mm diameter of an outer sheath and 30° fibroptic lens. All procedures were done under general anaesthesia. Distension of uterine cavity was achieved with normal saline by pressure bag or Endomat. Endocervical canal followed by whole uterine cavity with all four walls and bilateral ostias were visualised. Endometrial biopsy was taken for histopathological examination under direct vision if required. If any pathology like intrauterine adhesions, polyp, myoma or septa was diagnosed, operative procedure was done at the same sitting.

Data was collected from the medical records department of the hospital. Statistical analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics using z-test for single proportion and software used in the analysis were SPSS 17.0 version and EPI-INFO 6.0 version and z>1.96 considered as significant.

Results: Hysteroscopy was performed in 85 infertile women, out of which 61 (71.76%) presented with primary infertility and 24 (28.24%) women were with secondary infertility. Analysis was performed against primary and secondary infertility.





