Space-Group Approach to the Wavefunction of a Cooper Pair: Nodal Structure and Additional Quantum Numbers for Sr2RuO4 and UPt3


  • V.G. Yarzhemsky Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Dolgoprudny, 9 Institutsky per., 141700, Moscow Region, Russia



Group theory, Induced representations, Mackey theorem, Unconventional superconductors, Nodal superconductors, Triplet superconductors, Sr2RuO4, UPt3.


Induced representation method and Mackey theorem on symmetrized squares were applied to construct zero-total-momentum two-electron states in solids, corresponding to Cooper pairs in unconventional superconductors. In this approach the structure of two-electron states depends on the position of one-electron wave vector in a single-electron Brillouin zone. It is shown, that the decomposition of total two-electron basis set results in repeating multidimensional irreducible representations. It is obtained, that in order to label repeating irreducible representation two additional quantum numbers are required: irreducible representation of wave vector group for symmetry planes and directions and quantum numbers on an intermediate group for a general point in a Brillouin zone. Theoretical results are applied to unconventional superconductors UPt3 and Sr2RuO4.


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